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                                                11 November 2005


Hargrave Park Primary School ,London


At Hargrave Park Primary School in London we have introduced the "Raviv Programme" during the academic year 2004/2005.


We have monitored the effectiveness through data tracking and we have observed many behavior changes. The same overall progress showed to the other pupils on the programme


This year we have embedded the method into the school routine, offering the opportunity to take part into it to 15 pupils. We have extended the use of the programme to pupils who are not on the SEN register, with the purpose to maximize individuals' intellectual potential also in the Gifted and Talented.


The results have proven to be positive and consistent.


The Raviv Programme is included in the School Improvement Plan and it represents a strong feature in our school



Ms. Wendy Meredith , Headteacher

Hargrave Park Primary School ,London

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