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"To dance that you can not talk"


Pina Bausch

Dance, performing arts and spatial orientation


Dancers and performance artists face the need to remember
a large amount of text, to perform complex choreographic moves that require absolute control of their bodies, spatial orientation, listening to music and perfect coordination with other actors or dancers, who are dealing with similar difficulties. These activities impose an enormous burden on their working memory, motor memory and capabilities of the brain. These brain efforts become particularly challenging in the case of dancers and performers who suffer from attention deficit disorder. The shift from one rhythm to another, while maintaining full movement, also demands control, awareness and extremely high self-regulation and concentration abilities.


These capabilities attest today brain research experts can be developed by means that are not related to professional practice routine. Moreover, precisely the practice which is not based on repetitive actions the actor or dancer is required to perform regularly, turns out to be far more effective, since it contributes to the formation of new connections in the brain, extends the range of capabilities and enables acquiring new skills.



Training at Infinity Mind


Infinity Mind's Neuro-cognitive training is designed to enhance brain abilities of performers and dancers from all artistic disciplines and provides them with improved tools for nurturing their artistic excellence. The training is based on advanced neurosciences research discoveries and on the tight connections and interactions which exist between different areas of the brain.


Infinity Mind's unique training method combines work in motion with attentiveness and cognitive training and uses, in practice, a neurological phenomenon called "cross-modal influences", A.K.A. "intersect training" in the sports world. The method is based on the fact that in certain skills, practicing one part of the brain is also beneficial to the other. As Dr. John Ratey, a Harvard University neuro-psychiatrist, wrote, "When a man wants to change the neural wiring of some skill, he must engage in a new and unfamiliar activity, but one which is associated with the skill he wants to improve. Simple repetitions on the skill will merely preserve existing connections. To strengthen his creative circle pattern, Albert Einstein played violin and Winston Churchill painted landscapes ", (Dr. John Ratey, A User's Guide to the Brain).



Training results


Infinity Mind's training method strengthens key capabilities, essential for the trainee's professional activity:


  • Calm and more intuitive stage performance

  • Effective tools for self-regulation

  • Overcoming stress and anxiety

  • A more focused creative process and improved self-expression ability

  • Empowering spatial orientation capability

  • Increased ability to cope with ADHD

  • Improving the ability to neutralize the distractions caused by the audience



Training is particular and tailored to the trainee's needs and individual characteristics.


Martha Graham

"Dance is the secret language of the soul"

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